Sars Review

Das CDC widmet die ganze Nummer (Vol 10, Februar 2004) der Zeitschrift „Emerging Infectious Diseases“ der Sars-Erkrankung. In ausgezeichnete Übersichtsreferaten werden u.a. Geschichte, Epidemiologie, Übertragung und Prävention diskutiert.

Inhaltsverzeichnis der Sondernummer Sars (Feb 2004, EID)

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 Wresting SARS from Uncertainty, J. Lingappa
 The Impressive and Rapidly Expanding Knowledge Base on SARS, J.M. Hughes
 Global Surveillance, National Surveillance, and SARS, D.L. Heymann

SARS Origins
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 SARS-related Virus Predating SARS Outbreak, Hong Kong, B.J. Zheng
 Susceptibility of Pigs and Chickens to SARS Coronavirus, H.M. Weingartl

SARS Epidemiology
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 SARS Surveillance during Emergency Public Health Response, United States, March–July 2003,
S.J. Schrag

Introduction of SARS in France, March–April, 2003, J.-C. Desenclos
 SARS Outbreak, Taiwan, 2003, Y.H. Hsieh
 Multiple Contact Dates and SARS Incubation Periods, M.I. Meltzer

SARS Transmission
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 Risk Factors for SARS among Persons without Known Contact with SARS Patients, Beijing, China, J. Wu
 Lack of SARS Transmission and U.S. SARS Case-Patient, A.J. Peck
 SARS-associated Coronavirus Transmission, United States, E.T. Isakbaeva
 Secondary Household Transmission of SARS, Singapore, D.L.-M. Goh
 Probable Secondary Infections in Households of SARS Patients in Hong Kong, J.T.F Lau
 Lack of SARS Transmission among Healthcare Workers, United States, B.J. Park
 Healthcare Worker Seroconversion in SARS Outbreak, P.K.H. Chow
 SARS among Critical Care Nurses, Toronto, M. Loeb
 Superspreading SARS Events, Beijing, 2003, Z. Shen
 Cluster of SARS among Medical Students Exposed to Single Patient, Hong Kong, T. Wong
 Atypical SARS in Geriatric Patient, A.K.H. Tee
 Lack of SARS Transmission among Public Hospital Workers, Vietnam, S.A. Bloom

Infection Control
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 Surgical Helmets and SARS Infection, J.L. Derrick
 SARS Transmission among Hospital Workers in Hong Kong, J.T.F. Lau
 Possible SARS Coronavirus Transmission during Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, M.D. Christian

Laboratory Studies
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 Detection of SARS Coronavirus in Patients with Suspected SARS, K.H. Chan
 Serologic and Molecular Biologic Methods for SARS-associated Coronavirus Infection, Taiwan, H.S. Wu
 Real-Time Reverse Transcription–Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay for SARS associated Coronavirus, S.L. Emery
 Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction for Detecting SARS Coronavirus, Beijing, 2003, J. Zhai
 Interferon-ß 1a and SARS Coronavirus Replication, L.E. Hensley
 Ultrastructural Characterization of SARS Coronavirus, C.S. Goldsmith

Clinical Studies
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 Combining Clinical and Epidemiologic Features for Early Recognition of SARS, J.A. Jernigan
 Clinical Description of a Completed Outbreak of SARS in Vietnam, February-May, 2003,
H.T. Vu
 Index Patient and SARS Outbreak in Hong Kong, R.S.M. Wong
 Possible Central Nervous System Infection by SARS Coronavirus, K.-K. Lau
 SARS and Pregnancy: A Case Report, C.A. Robertson
 Atypical SARS and Escherichia coli Bacteremia, T.T. Tan

Preparedness and Response
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 HHS/CDC Legal Response to SARS Outbreak, J.J. Misrahi
 Making State Public Health Laws Work for SARS Outbreaks, E.P. Richards
 Fear and Stigma: The Epidemic within the SARS Outbreak, B. Person
 Crisis Prevention and Management during SARS Outbreak, Singapore, S.R. Quah
 SARS Preparedness Checklist for State and Local Health Officials, R.S. Hopkins
 Body-Temperature Monitoring and SARS Fever Hotline, Taiwan, S.C. Kaydos-Daniels
 Health Communication during SARS, P.M. Arguin

Letters/Meeting Summary
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 SARS Epidemic in the Press, G. Rezza
 SARS-associated Coronavirus Infection in Teenagers, G.-G. Yang
 SARS Preparedness and Response, U.D. Parashar