Publikationen 2009
Diagnostic and treatment of HIV-affected couples who wish to have children
Tandler-Schneider A, Sonnenberg-Schwan U, Gingelmaier A, Meurer A, Kremer H, Weigel M, Vernazza P, Schmied B, Klumb S, Schafberger A, Kupka M, Friese K, Brockmeyer NH
Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2009 Jan;134 Suppl 1:S34-9
[abstract] [full-text/pdf]
Liver enzyme elevation after lamivudine withdrawal in HIV-hepatitis B virus co-infected patients: the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
Bellini C, Keiser O, Chave JP, Evison J, Fehr J, Kaiser L, Weber R, Vernazza P, Bernasconi E, Telenti A, Cavassini M and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
HIV MED. 2009 Jan;10(1):12-8
[abstract] [full-text/pdf]
Lack of clinical and scientific evidence to justify the systematic use of ICSI in HIV-serodiscordant couples wishing to conceive where the male partner is infected
Bujan L, Gilling-Smith C, Hollander L, Semprini EA, Vernazza P
Fertil Steril. 2009 Feb 5
[abstract] [full-text/pdf]
JCV-Specific Immune Responses in HIV-1 Patients with Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy Khanna N, Wolbers M, Mueller NJ, Garzoni C, Du Pasquier RA, Fux CA, Vernazza P, Bernasconi E, Viscidi R, Battegay M, Hirsch HH and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
J Virol. 2009 Feb 11
[abstract] [full-text/pdf]
Long-Term Trends of HIV Type 1 Drug Resistance Prevalence among Antiretroviral Treatment-Experienced Patients in Switzerland
von Wyl V, Yerly S, Böni J, Bürgisser P, Klimkait T, Battegay M, Bernasconi E, Cavassini M, Furrer H, Hirschel B, Vernazza PL, Francioli P, Bonhoeffer S, Ledergerber B, Günthard HF and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
Clin Infect Dis. 2009 Feb 19
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The debate continues: does undetectable mean uninfectious?
Pietro Vernazza
HIV Therapy March 2009, Vol. 3, No. 2, Pages 113-116
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Unusually high HIV infectiousness in an HIV-, HCV- and HSV-2-coinfected heterosexual man
Witteck A, Yerly S, Vernazza P
Swiss Med Wkly. 2009 Apr 4;139(13-14):207-9
[abstract] [full-text/pdf]
Incidence and Outcome of Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy over 20 Years of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
Khanna N, Elzi L, Mueller NJ, Garzoni C, Cavassini M, Fux CA, Vernazza P, Bernasconi E, Battegay M, Hirsch HH and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
Clin Infect Dis. 2009 Apr 6
[abstract] [full-text/pdf]
How reliable is an undetectable viral load?
Combescure C , Vallier N , Ledergerber B , Cavassini M , Furrer H , Rauch A , Battegay M , Bernasconi E , Vernazza P , Hirschel B and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
HIV Med. 2009 Sep;10(8):470-6
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Self-reported alcohol consumption and its association with adherence and outcome of antiretroviral therapy in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
Conen A, Fehr J, Glass TR, Furrer HJ, Weber R, Vernazza P, Hirschel B, Cavassini M, Bernasconi E, Bucher HC, Battegay M, and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
Antiviral Therapy 14:349-357
[abstract] [full-text/pdf]
Uptake of and virological response to antiretroviral therapy among HIV-infected former and current injecting drug users and persons in an opiate substitution treatment programme: the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
Weber R, Huber M, Rickenbach M, Furrer H, Elzi L, Hirschel B, Cavassini M, Bernasconi E, Schmid P, Ledergerber B and Swiss HIV Cohort Study
HIV MED 2009 Aug10
[abstract] [full-text/pdf]
Kovari H, Ledergerber B, Peter U, Flepp M, Jost J, Schmid P, Calmy A, Mueller NJ, Muellhaupt B, Weber R and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
Clin Infect Dis. 2009 Aug 1549(4)626-35
[abstract] [full-text/pdf]
Elzi L, Kaufmann G, Weber R, Fux CA, Cavassini M, Hirschel B, Vernazza P, Bernasconi E, Battegay M and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
HIV Clin Trials. 2009 Jul 1 10(4) 207-214
HIV-Infektion: Update 2009 für Biomedizinische Analytikerinnen und Analytiker
Tarr P, Erb S, Schmid P, Luigia E, Fux C, Tissot F, Voide C, Cavassini M
labmed Sept 2009
[abstract] [full-text/pdf]
Virological and immunological responses to efavirenz or boosted lopinavir as first-line therapy for patients with HIV
Young J, Bucher HC, Guenthard HF, Rickenbach M, Fux CA, Hirschel B, Cavassini M, Vernazza P, Bernasconi E, Battegay M and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
Antivir Ther. 200914 (6) 771-779
[abstract] [full-text/pdf]
High Prevalence of Anorectal Chlamydial Infection in HIV-Infected Men Who Have Sex with Men in Switzerland
Thanh Dang, Katia Jaton-Ogay, Markus Flepp, Helen Kovari, John-Marc Evison, Jan Fehr, Patrick Schmid, Emmanuelle Boffi El Amari, Matthias Cavassini, Massimo Odorico, Philip E. Tarr, Gilbert Greub and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
1534 CID 2009:49 (15 November)
[abstract] [full-text/pdf]
HIV-Infektion: Update 2009 für Hausärzte. Teil 1 und Teil 2
PhilipTarr, Stefan Erb, Patrick Schmid, Luigia Elzi, Christoph Fux, FrédéricTissot, Cathy Voide, Matthias Cavassini
[abstract] [full-text/pdf]
Hierarchical modeling gave plausible estimates of associations between metabolic syndrome and components of antiretroviral therapy
Young J, Glass TR, Bernasconi E, Rickenbach M, Furrer H, Hirschel B, Tarr PE, Vernazza P, Battegay M, Bucher HC and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
J Clin Epidemiol. 2009 Jun;62(6):632-41
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Immunogenicity and safety of yellow fever vaccination for 102 HIV-infected patients
Veit O, Niedrig M, Chapuis-Taillard C, Cavassini M, Mossdorf E, Schmid P, Bae HG, Litzba N, Staub T, Hatz C, Furrer H and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
Clin Infect Dis 2009 Mar 148(5)659 66
[abstract] [full-text/pdf]
Impact of Previous Virological Treatment Failures and Adherence on the Outcome of Antiretroviral Therapy in 2007
Marie Ballif, Bruno Ledergerber, Manuel Battegay, Matthias Cavassini, Enos Bernasconi, Patrick Schmid, Bernard Hirschel, Hansjakob Furrer, Martin Rickenbach, Milos Opravil, Rainer Weber and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
PLoS One 4(12)e 8275
[abstract] [full-text/pdf]
Longitudinal Analysis of Patterns and Predictors of Changes in Self-Reported Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
TR, Battegay M, Cavassini M, De Geest S, Furrer H, Vernazza PL, Hirschel B, Bernasconi E, Rickenbach M, Günthard HF, Bucher HC and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2010 Jun;54(2):197-203
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H1N1 pandemic: Watch out for the first wave in Switzerland
Vernazza P
Swiss Med Wkly 2009 Dec 26 139(51-52)730
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First wave of the influenza A/H1N1v pandemic in Switzerland
Nickel CH, Stephan FP, Dangel M, Blume K, Gehrisch R, Dumoulin A, Tschudin S, Keller DI, Hirsch HH, Widmer AF, Bingisser R
Swiss Med Wkly 2009 Dec 26139(51-52)7317
[abstract] [full-text/pdf]
To say or not to say: a qualitative study on the disclosure of their condition by human immunodeficiency virus-positive adolescents
Michaud PA, Suris JC, Thomas LR, Kahlert C, Rudin C, Cheseaux JJ
J Adolesc Health 2009 Apr 44(4)356 62 Epub 2008 Oct 29
[abstract] [full-text/pdf]
A practical platform for blood biomarker study by using global gene ex
Tian Z, Palmer N, Schmid P, Yao H, Galdzicki M, Berger B, Wu E, Kohane IS
PLoS One 20094(4)e5157 Epub 2009 Apr 17
[abstract] [full-text/pdf]
Suicide in HIV-Infected Individuals and the General Population in Switzerland, 1988-2008
Keiser O, Spoerri A, Brinkhof MW, Hasse B, Gayet-Ageron A, Tissot F, Christen A, Battegay M, Schmid P, Bernasconi E, Egger M and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study and the Swiss National Cohort
Am J Psychiatry
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Contribution of genome-wide significant single-nucleotide polymorphisms and antiretroviral therapy to dyslipidemia in HIV-infected individuals: a longitudinal study
Rotger M, Bayard C, Taffé P, Martinez R, Cavassini M, Bernasconi E, Battegay M, Hirschel B, Furrer H, Witteck A, Weber R, Ledergerber B, Telenti A, Tarr PE and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
Circ Cardiovasc Genet 2009 Dec 2(6)621 8 Epub 2009 Sep 18
[abstract] [full-text/pdf]
Burkholderia pseudomallei, misidentification, automated system
Christoph Weissert, Günter Dollenmaier, Philippe Rafeiner, Julia Riehm, and Detlev Schultze
Emerging Infectious Diseases Vol 15 No 11 November 2009
[abstract] [full-text/pdf]