Poster Presentations at the XVII Int. AIDS Conference 2008, Mexico City
The following Posters were presented at the XVII Int. AIDS Conference 2008
1) HIV Transmission and HAART
2) MOST Study
- Zenger et al. (Late braker): Unexpected High Failure rate of Lopinavir (LPV/r) Monotherapy (LBPE 1144)
- Cusini et al.: HIV-1 viral load in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of successfully treated patients on long-term HAART (THPE0212)
- Zenger et al: Baseline evaluation in CSF and neuropsycho-logical testing in patients starting Monotherapy (TUPE 0114)
3) HIV-Prevention
In addition, the following presentation was held at the Symposium of the Swiss Commission on AIDS-related issues on August 3rd, 2008